Comparative Performance Study of Kolanut Biodiesel and Conventional Fossil Diesel



Performance‎, Physiochemical characterisation‎, Biodiesels‎, Additives ‎, Two stage trans-esterification‎, Fossil diesel‎


The research studied the difference in performance between synthesised bio-lubricant from kolanut and conventional fossil diesel. The kolanut oil was extracted from kolanut seeds by soxhlet extraction using petroleum ether as the solvent, after which the physiochemical characterisation of the oil was done to determine its suitability for use as biodiesel. This characterised oil was modified to have superior low-temperature properties through the process of esterification. The modified oil was further synthesised to biodiesel blends through a two-stage trans-esterification process, after which appropriate additives were infused through a blending of the developed biodiesel and the petro-diesel fuels in the following volume ratios: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, and 20:80 (B100, B80, B60, B40, B20) respectively. The synthesised blends of bio-lubricant were subjected to performance analysis in a C. I diesel engine test-bed. The conventional fossil diesel was also subjected to the same test. From the overall analysis, it was shown that biodiesel produced from kolanut pod oil has the potential to be an alternative fuel to conventional Compression Ignition (CI) engines without any further modifications to the engines. The tests revealed that the variation of engine torque with speed for varying speeds and constant load test conditions for the biodiesels, the blends and the conventional diesel fuel show that the biodiesels, due to their higher cetane numbers, have higher torque, higher braking power, higher thermal efficiency with lower calorific values compared to the conventional petro-diesel fuel. The fossil diesel fuel did better than the biodiesel blend when considering the Specific Consumption (SFC) with brake power, but holistically, it is seen that the investigated biodiesel samples performed marginally better than the conventional petro-diesel fuel analysed.


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How to Cite

Comparative Performance Study of Kolanut Biodiesel and Conventional Fossil Diesel. (2024). Journal of Environmental Engineering and Energy, 1(1), 24-31.